Placemaking Week 2024 has ended
avatar for Cara Chellew

Cara Chellew

McGill University
PhD Student
Cara is a public space researcher and activist. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Urban Planning, Policy & Design at McGill University and is the founder of DefensiveTO, a multimedia project that documents defensive or hostile urbanism in Toronto and beyond. She is an organizer with the Toronto Public Space Committee and a member of Placemaking Canada. Her work has been published in the Canadian Journal of Urban Research, Azure, and Spacing Magazine.
Wednesday, June 5

9:00am EDT

10:45am EDT

11:15am EDT

12:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

3:15pm EDT

3:45pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Thursday, June 6

9:00am EDT

12:00pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

3:45pm EDT

4:15pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

7:00pm EDT

Friday, June 7

10:30am EDT

12:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

3:15pm EDT

3:45pm EDT

5:00pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Saturday, June 8

10:00am EDT